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What time are your services?
Sunday Mornings:  10:00 am
What is the address to your church?
420 College Dr., Middleburg, FL 32068.
Click here for a map to our church. 
Please call 904-406-0259 if you need any help finding our church. 
What should I expect at the service?
Service lasts about 1½ hours with a live band. The sermon lasts about 30-35 minutes and uses scripture to teach its points.   We won't ask you to stand up or say anything... you can remain anonymous until and unless you want someone to know who you are.
What is your denomination?
We are a non-denominational Contemporary style worship service.
Where should I sit?
The sanctuary is open seating, however, there are hostesses and ushers to help you locate a suitable seat. We would suggest that you move as close to the front to get the most of your experience.
What should I wear?
Come dressed however is comfortable for you... 
Jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, business suits, dresses…. they’re all fine with us.
Will I be asked to give money?
We do have a time of giving, however, we ask that you give as they desire. Please do not feel obligated to give. 
Do you have Children Services? 

Yes and we are so excited to have the opportunity to serve your family and we can’t wait to tell your kids all about Jesus!


Our Children's Ministry, LA Kidz is open Sundays during each worship gathering.  The crafts we make, the lessons we teach, the snacks we serve, the worship we sing… it’s all about Jesus!


All volunteers have had a thorough background check completed prior to serving in LA Kidz Children's Ministry.​

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